Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Etrian Odyssey IV

I wasn't very hyped by this game, I skipped Etrian Oddyssey III due lack of time so it has been a long time since I played this game series and I forgot many things about it.

I forgot about how addictive it is; time flies while exploring the dungeons, the turn based combat, evolving the characters and getting the right group setup. This last part is the one I enjoy most, there are a few classes but thanks to its customization it allows classes do different functions depending on the skill choices, for example I went with 2 Snipers, 1 specialized in binds and other in dealing critical damage and extra shots.
 This gives a lot of valid group setups and choices, like going or not with a pure healer, tank or no tank, binds or status effects, etc. These choices mean lots of different fight strategies which is what I value the most on a rpg combat system. 
Oh and I forgot, at a certain point of the adventure you're able to choose a subclass.

I also liked having a world map to explore, there I could find quests, dungeons, some tough aggressive insta-kill monsters and loot that got changed for money once I got back to the city.

But I also forgot about having to draw the dungeons, auto-map helps but I still needed to draw walls, passages, doors... I'm not comfortable with that as I'm playing all the time with my hands on the buttons, so every time I wanted to add a door I need to change my hands position (maybe I'm lazy :P)
 And I forgot about how I always ignored its story, the game is nice per se but maybe having a better story would get it to a new level.

Finally frustration, getting the party wiped out means to do everything again since the last time you saved, which is usually okay but I felt like that I died every time I took a risk like "one more floor" or "I can beat the boss", so it got a bit frustrating.

Did I like it? Yes though I got burnt many times.
I think you will like it if you:
- Are a dungeon explorer 
- Love Atlus challenging difficulty
- Don't mind grinding from time to time
- Liked other Etrians

I rate my experience with a 7.5 out of 10.

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