Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hyrule Warriors

I though I had enough of Dynasty Warriors games, which consists in having your character battle against thousands of enemies with barely any AI, conquering outposts and killing generals for loot.

I didn't have much fun while playing the story mode, there are a few new additions like the usage of the usual Zelda items (bow, bombs, boomerang...) and some big bosses which are dealt differently than usual, but it was still more of the same repetitive Dynasty Warriors gameplay. At least got a bit better at the end of the first half because we can control an unusual character and the difficulty increases too.

Overall the story mode is too easy even in hard mode, thankfully a harder mode appeared when I finished the Story that adds a bit more challenging and is actually fun.

Then I started the Adventure Mode and here is where I got addicted. A big map divided into a grid where every cell is a battle with many different loot, rewards and challenges for every character so no character gets left behind if you want to finish the map. Progressing through the map also requires completing an adjacent cell with a specified rank and then unlocking extra rewards by using one of the diverse items that are found when completing the battles. So this makes the adventure mode very dinamic and entertaining and completing the map is going to take me hours and hours, also the first dlc brings a whole new map into my addiction, I'm going to be busy for months.

There aren't many characters to choose from but at least they have very distinctive attacks and weapons that makes them different to play. Characters can gain experience to increase their level to gain more attack and hp, this time we don't have other stats like defense nor musou. Also they got 3 skill trees that gets progressed by using items dropped by defeating enemies. Weapons are only found by defeating generals or as a battle reward and can have sockets with skills on it that can be transfered into other weapons.

Graphically I think this is the best game that Koei/Omega Force has ever done. Music contains some of the most important Zelda themes, which is excellent.

Did I like it? I'm addicted!
I think you will like it:
- Are a Zelda fan
- Aren't looking for a complex action game

I rate my experience with a 8 out of 10.

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